Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Home becomes the medium for many messages.

 Photo by Tony Bartholemew

 Photo by Tony Bartholemew

 The Podcast Earthbeat: Goodbye is symbolic of the “medium is the message” from our reading by Luneffeld’s.  In the story of the house on the cliff, the house is a medium for a much deeper message.  As the podcast mentioned, Kane Cunningham bought a house knowing that someday it would fall off the edge of the cliff on which it resides.  Cain bought this house as a project that inspires art and creativity but it becomes so much more.  It becomes a symbol for people across the globe.  He says that he receives letters from all over world and many of them write about “life and death, loss, bereavement, dreams, getting old, mortality and the transient of life.”  Cain also used the home as a studio and it gave him an chance to protest on a range of issues.
In this instance, the house being on the edge of a precipice is such an important medium for the message.  The fact that the house is teetering on the edge of destruction is what makes it such a strong message and can be interpreted in many ways.  A house for the most part is a Medium that give security and support, a place to go when you need to feel safe.  Home is where the heart is and yet this house turns the entire symbol of “home” on its head and that is why it is such a strong medium for this message.

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